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At PET Packaging Network we know what it means to provide excellent customer service.


In addition to our wide range of technological products and solutions, we also offer Consulting, Technical Service and Financing services.


The team behind PET Packaging Network, is here to serve you.

Start-up, technical service
Training and machine start-up



We can advise you in the development of new packaging or products.


We can also assist you in the development process of new applications: packaging format changes, special packaging such as hot filling, aseptic filling, and others.



We have a network of trained people to provide technical support, covering the needs of the entire region. Additionally, our suppliers can send their own engineers to guide you through start-up or troubleshooting.


We also offer remote technical support via teleconference, translating in real time to bring plant technicians and manufacturer engineers closer together.



We have the possibility to offer our clients financing and/or leasing through various international entities.

Depending on the case, financing may be offered directly from the equipment manufacturer.

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Let's work together

Contact us today at to start working on your project.

Project development and technical advice
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